Adverse Events in Polypectomy Webinar
Live and Online : Monday 10th July 2023 , 19:30 - 21:30 CEST
on Demand thereafter
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Immediate management of polypectomy complications

Master the Art of Polypectomy and Conquer Complications with Our EMR Adverse Events Course! 

Are you confident in your ability to perform polypectomy procedures? While the technique itself may seem straightforward, the real challenge lies in effectively managing the potential complications that can arise during the process. 

At GIEQs, we understand the importance of comprehensive training and preparation when it comes to mastering polypectomy and handling associated complications. That’s why we’re happy to introduce our EMR Adverse Events Webinar, designed to equip medical professionals like you with the knowledge and skills necessary to tackle any obstacle that may arise during polypectomy procedures. 

Large perforation in the colon after endoscopic mucosal resection.
Large perforation in the colon after endoscopic mucosal resection.

Based upon the ESGE Colorectal Polypectomy Curriculum, our Webinar covers a wide range of crucial topics, including the different steps involved in the procedure. By following this comprehensive webinar, you’ll gain valuable insights into how to manage complications and learn how to mitigate their impact effectively. Don’t attempt polypectomy without understanding how to manage the possible complications. With our webinar, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge, strategies, and techniques to overcome challenges and deliver exceptional care to your patients.

Aims of the Webinar and Objectives

Here are just a few of the areas we cover: 

1. Failed Consent: Learn how to navigate the complexities of informed consent, ensuring that patients fully understand the procedure and potential risks before giving their consent. 

2. Equipment Availability: Discover strategies for ensuring that you have the necessary equipment on hand to perform polypectomy procedures seamlessly, minimizing disruptions and maximizing patient safety. 

3. Intraprocedural Bleeding: Acquire the skills to identify and manage bleeding during polypectomy, enabling you to respond swiftly and effectively in critical situations. 

4. Perforation: Master techniques to minimize the risk of perforation during the procedure and handle any cases that may occur with precision and confidence. 

5. Recurrence: Gain insights into preventing polyp recurrence and learn about best practices for long-term patient care and surveillance. 

6. Pain After EMR: Understand how to effectively manage and alleviate post-EMR pain for enhanced patient comfort and satisfaction. 

Type of Course

GIEQs Webinar

Who should attend?

  • Trainees in colonic Polypectomy  
  • Those interested in tracking their progress in colonic Polypectomy  
  • Those with an interest in improving their conscious competence if Polypectomy 
  • Those who train others in Polypectomy 

Possibility for live attendance? 



2 hours (start 1930 CET end 2130 CET)


  • Dr David Tate
  • Dr John Anderson
  • Dr Roland Valori
  • Dr Lobke Desomer