GIEQs - Train the Colonoscopy Trainers Course (Virtual)
Currently Online and Directly Accessible
Further Dates with Interaction Planned (watch this space!)
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A Virtual Experience Suitable for All Who Train Other Colonoscopists


Following a classroom-based overview of training theory, trainers with variable experience will be coached to improve their training skills and understanding of how to overcome common problems encountered during colonoscopy by local and virtual faculty.

Who should enroll?

Anyone who wishes to train others in Colonoscopy


Currently Online and Directly Accessible


Live here, online at You can follow live (discussion and interaction) or catch up at your leisure.


100 euros (includes review of the course on demand for 3 months, delay of 24 hours for content upload)

Participation via live chat platform possible. Anyone can ask questions and join the conversation at any time.

Deconstructed Technique

Training requires an understanding (on the part of the trainer) of why colonoscopy is difficult and how to apply a problem solving approach for trainees. To become a good trainer requires the trainer to be Consciously Competent.

Conscious Competence

This is the art of knowing why what you do in Colonoscopy works and is critical to passing your skills based knowledge onto others. A key focus of this course is improving your conscious competence of colonoscopy as a trainer.


Delegates will be invited to participate at various junctures of the course and everyone will be able to pose questions at any time via our trademark high quality digital stream

Unique Live / Virtual Hybrid

Training experiences [involving trainers seeking to improve their conscious competence and local trainees] will be performed live, with commentary from experienced trainers, lectures and discussion of pre-recorded training. Detailed debrief sessions will deconstruct the techniques demonstrated to cement the learning points.

Considering participating?

This example footage of our training style may help convince you!